Thursday, July 23, 2009

Useful Tips To Increase Google AdSense Revenue

As you know Google AdSense is the best way to earn extra income online. Many webmasters and writer have joined this program but earning very low income from AdSense. 99% of AdSense Publishers are earning less than $ 10 per month, this is the fact and every one is trying to increase their AdSense Revenue by one or another way. Many experts are in this field, are ready to open their experiences to increase the AdSense earnings. It is true that AdSense revenue can not be increase in a day or two. This requires your dedication & some time period.

During the research of AdSense Revenue increasing method, I found some simple but most useful tips, which might help you to increase your Google AdSense revenue. You can add more tips, if you have, by comments.

01) Show your Ads at top of the page :-

Put your block of Ads at top of the page, when ever any one visit your page, they can see the Ads easily and if some thing finds of their interest, they might click on Ads. Do not try to hide your Ads. Put one block of Ads at top left and one at bottom of article. This way you can attract attention of your visitor towards the Ads.

02) Blend the Ads with content :-

This the fact, that no one like to click on the matter which looks like Ads. You should have to blend your Ads with content so, it look like the part of content. What I think, people don't mind to click the Ads which are the part of content. By doing this you will increase the value of your Ads in the mind of visitors.

03) Use large rectangle :-

Google AdSense allows you to choose different Ads format. Mostly publisher use the leader board (728x90) or wide skyscraper (160x600) style Ads format. This format mostly look like Advertisment, any wise visitor will know at first look to your page. Try large rectangle (336x280) at top left on your page. This will increase your clicks.

04) Remove the border :-

If you use your AdSense Ads in a border, that will highlight the Ads but same time it shows that these are Ads and not the part of content. Your AdSense revenue will increase if you remove the border of your Ads and show it as the part of page. Don't use odd colour and fonts of Ads.

05) Don't populate your page by Ads :-

People will search on internet for the useful information, not for the Ads. Your first intention must, to give valuable information to your visitor. If people like your article, they will spend more time on your page and if your page look clean & neat, the Ads will highlighted very well, hence there are chances of more clicks. Put one block at top left, one at bottom left and one link Ads at bottom of post. That is more than sufficient.

There are some other technique to increase Google AdSense Revenue, but keep in mind that, these technique will produce different result from publisher to publisher. You have to be always in experimental with AdSense.

Google Adsense Tutorial

Google Adsense Introduction

We give you a great, but easy course on how the revolutionary ad system Google Adsense works. Don't miss out on all the potential money it can bring in for your site(s).

For those of you that have not looked at Adsense by Google yet, now is the time to start using it! Actually, most webmasters should have tried it already, but many still don't use it.

What is it?

Google Adsense is a very clever ad system for webmasters that takes minimum work for you to setup and use. Basically, you get text ads and sometimes graphic ads to display on your website that makes you money when your visitors click on them.

Well, what's the clever thing about this?

  • Automatically you get ads targeted to the content you display on your website.
  • You don't need to search for good reliable affiliate programs that might not convert
  • You only get payed from one source, a reliable one :-)

This is what a typical Adsense looks like (in fact, these are REAL ads Google is showing for this page!):

Why use it?

As I mentioned before, you get ads that match your content almost perfect. Google checks your website and find out what it's all about, and display ads very similar to your content. The big difference with this is very easy to discover if you think of how much you hate normal banner ads ("free smiles" or "you are the 1.000.000th visitor"). Adsense ads really are interesting for your visitors, so they don't see them as intrusive. Sometimes I get emails from my visitors thanking me for websites they found through my ads ? So it makes me money and my visitors happy, and they keep coming back to the site.

On one of my sites, I use classic banner/popunder ads. One year ago I also added Adsense, and now I make 50% of the sites revenue from Adsense.

How to make money with Adsense?

I will tell you one of the reasons Adsense is as good as it is...
... You can blend it really good into your normal content. Let's say for example you have an article site about guitars. Then you can insert an Adsense in the same colors as the rest of the text have and also put it in the middle of the content. You can put it directly under your first paragraph, then it looks like it's a part of the article and your click through rate (CTR) will be much higher than if you put it before or after the article. The ads will be about 'buy new guitars', 'learn to play the guitar', 'buy sheet music to play the guitar' and your visitors will absolutely be interested in them.

Use your imagination and try to blend in the ads with your ordinary content, and don't forget to adjust the colors to your normal text color. Many people have discussed the choice of color, but the best way to go with colors is to blend them with your normal text color. You want to make the ads look like they are apart of the article or your other content.

Different ad sizes and placements can make drastic differences for your CTR, so play around with the ads to find the best ways for Your site. If your site has many returning visitors, it can also be good to move around the ads after a month or so because people get used to where the ads are and ignore them.

Good luck with Adsense. I am sure it will make your sites even more profitable!
